Wednesday 20 October 2021

Album Review: Funeral Pop by Vampire Slumber Party (by Theo Martin-Herbert)

This one man solo project has put out a pretty fantastic example of pop-punk for all your ears; a personal, catchy and slick debut effort that calls back on the memories of your favourite pop punk band's best days. Opening up hard with a big, anthemic number, the release keeps up the pace, putting out something that really hits a good rhythm and is perfect for a late summer release. I was genuinely impressed at how well the track listing went together, hearing some of the songs out of order really showed how well the album has been thought out and laid out for the listener.

The sound reflects an early 2000s era Blink 182 record to my ears, which I love. The polished, low-mid heavy with a bright edge sound lets the guitars really fill up the space and keep an interesting high end to keep that energy up, along with a lot of almost duelling guitar lines snaking their way in and out of each other. This all adds up to give some great texture and depth to the songs that reward repeat listens, something you'll definitely be doing with this record. Also it's refreshing to see something bouncy and energetic ending the album, giving you something to hum away until you can put it back on repeat. Definitely give this one a listen and I can't wait to see what Yusuf Laher comes up with next if this is anything to go by.

Stream and download Funeral Pop on Bandcamp here.

Like Vampire Slumber Party on Facebook here.

This review was written by Theo Martin-Herbert.

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