The Priceduifkes are a long running pop punk band from Belgium. On February 25th the band have a brand new album out named Goathorse, on Bearded Punk Records. I'm a big fan of the Ramonescore style of pop punk that the band play so was really looking forward to checking this album out.
Goathorse begins with the song Bad Dreams Pt. 2. Beginning with a simple slow guitar riff before a little bit of percussion, the song explodes into life. Played hard and fast in the Ramonescore way the song really gets the album off to an explosive start. There are some repetitive but extremely catchy lyrics throughout the song, chief among them is "I Hope This Is Just A Dream, Bad Things Coming After Me." The second track in true pop punk fashion is just over a minute long. Named (No) Burkini Beach Party (Tonight) it starts out with a heavy drum roll before the song sets off like Usain Bolt and barely slows down for its duration. I got out of breath just listening to the song, so playing and singing it must be a huge effort. Perhaps that's part of the reason it was so short. Curiously the third song, named 1.38, is also one minute and thirty-eight seconds long. I hope this was done on purpose. Here the bass player of the band gets a chance to shine at the start of the track. It's about getting through a long day and being excited to see somebody. I loved this track - it might be one of the best pop punk songs I've heard for a very long time. I kind of wanted the fourth song It's Raining Shit (Hallelujah) to be a cover of The Weather Girls classic It's Raining Men. It's not but it's still a bloody good song. The track is about feeling like nothing ever goes your way, something I'm sure most of us can relate to at some point of our lives. There is a great gang vocal chorus towards the end of the song that goes "Everywhere I Go I Fuck Things Up Somehow, And I Can't Help But Feeling Like Some Sad Fucking Clown."
The fifth song on Goathorse is named Greetings From Angerville. There is a bit more of a softer, good time pop punk sound here than on a couple of the previous songs which were much more intense. The song really showcases The Priceduifkes’ rhythm section, with some great drumming throughout and a excellent bass solo during the track. Full Clown sees The Priceduifkes slow things down just a little bit and throw a little bit of 60s rock 'n' roll into their pop punk mix. I love this side of The Priceduifkes. It's a bit more laid back and fun than the full speed pop punk assault they also do oh so well. The breakdown in the middle of the song really slows the record down and puts you in a little bit of a chilled mood before the song picks back up for a final rockin' chorus. Full Clown is about growing up and realising that you can't do the stupid things you used to do when you were younger. The chill out doesn't last long as the seventh track, Miracle Man, hits you like a sack of bricks to the face. The 60s rock influence remains but the bands intensity returns with a track about getting drunk and terrorising people. I Can Dance continues the warp speed pop punk good times. If we were on the Millenium Falcon, Chewbacca has just punched it. I have no idea what the song is about as the speed that everything is going makes it impossible to have any idea what exactly is going on. I'm breathless just listening to the track. I can only assume it's about dancing, possibly about the Dradenspinnen.
Danni's In Denial really reminded me of American pop punk bands such as The Copyrights and The Dopamines. The buzzsaw like guitars give the song its intensity and the vocals take care of the melodic element of the track. It's fairly obvious what the song is about, a girl named Danni who is in denial. I can see this track becoming a favourite at a Priceduifkes show with the crowd joining the band in the cries of "She's Not Okay" that happen towards the end of the song. The tenth song is named Too Busy Having A Blast and is about the idea that you have to write about everything that you do on social media rather than just getting on with having lots of fun. I really like the message of this song as I think that people can spend far too much time on social media telling people what they are or have been doing. This is a song that actually makes you think and have a look at yourself. Something, to be completely honest, I did not expect to happen whilst listening to this album. Excellent social commentary. The penultimate song on Goathorse is named Braincracking. Continuing the buzzsaw pop punk style, Braincracking is a track that is as catchy as the common cold (something I currently have, oh woe is me!) and you will be singing along from the very first listen. The song is about being at the end of the line mentally and eventually breaking down. The track uses two different vocalists to great effect. With one singer taking control of the verse and the other having the chorus. Fantastic pop punk. Last, but by no means least, is Getwood City. It's a song that originally appeared on a 2014 split release with the great Direct Hit! The track starts out with the lyrics "Fucked Up On Anti-Biotics And Beer, There's No Place That I'd Rather Be Than Here" - it's clear that the track is about having the time of your life at a gig. The song sounds like it's an anthem for the band's scene in Belgium and Holland. I can see a packed and sweaty basement full of people going absolutely mental singing and dancing to the track. There is a fun nod to the Guns 'N' Roses track Paradise City where the band start incorporate the famous riff into the song before finishing the song and the album with a barrage of "whoas".
What a fantastic album. I've been a fan of the Priceduifkes for a while but on Goathorse they really take things to the next level. It's only February but I think you'll be hard pressed to find a better pop punk release this year.
Pre-order Goathorse here: http://beardedpunk.com/cd/priceduifkes-goathorse
Like The Priceduifkes here: https://www.facebook.com/thepriceduifkes/
This review was written by Colin.
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